A lot of places in the health and wellness field talk about the connection between body, mind, and spirit, but it’s difficult to find a place that really embodies that concept as much as Health + Healing Studios. Under one roof we bring together personal training, movement coaching, bodywork, Naturopathic medicine with nutrition coaching, CBD therapy, meditation techniques, yoga, and book studies with mindset techniques. Our vision truly comes to life when our clients get to take advantage of all of the different modalities our therapists have to offer & how they work together. While you could see results from any one service offered, combining them is what really takes results from basic to life-changing.
This unique setup allows for you to transfer seamlessly from one appointment to the next. Have you ever wished you could go straight from your workout to your massage? Have you ever wished a therapist could stretch you out before your workout like the pros? At Health + Healing Studios you can, but it’s more than that. Having so many modalities on hand means your session can be better tailored to what you need now. If you aren’t getting the right muscle activation in your workout that means having an NKT specialist who can do a quick consult & give you a correction that could save your workout & prevent an injury.
Another benefit of this setup is the ability for your various therapists to communicate on your unique case. Each person you see can view and add notes to your file. Each person is able to update the next on what they found & worked on with you & what is still left to be done. This helps us to better work as a team, so you aren’t getting conflicting information. We are all on the same page when it comes to your goals. We are all here to work together to help you achieve them. All of this together really makes Health + Healing Studios the best place to be.